How To: Fit Enduro Engineering perch-mounted handguards
Enduro21 ‘how to’ fitting guide for the Enduro Engineering open-ended off-road handguards – the roost deflectors which mount directly onto you brake and clutch lever perches taking up less space on the handlebars.
Handguards or roost deflectors are an important part of our enduro bike set-up. Naturally they are there to protect our hands from brushing trees, plants and whatever else is lurking at the side of the trail or track.
There are different designs out on the market, chiefly the options are for the wrap-around type favoured by many extreme enduro and trail fans, as well as the open-ended type like we are fitting here.
Different manufacturers have different handlebar mounting solutions but these Enduro Engineering hand roost guards have a unique design and simply bolt onto the existing lever clamps or perch. That means they take up no additional space on the bars and takes basic mechanical ability to fit.
We’re fitting these to a KTM 350 EXC-F WESS Edition test bike but they also fit Sherco models (with the common Brembo clutch and brake master cylinder design). This guard type are also available for Yamaha, Honda and Beta models (with an adjusted mount design to fit their lever mounts).
Here’s how to fit the Enduro Engineering perch-mounted, open-ended handguards…
Remove your standard handguards (if fitted) by undoing the brake and clutch lever pins or bolts at the pivot point of the lever. Be aware with KTM EXC clutch lever you should find a small return spring (and pin inside it) as you remove the lever bolt, so be mindful it is going to want to pop out as you release the lever.

Replacement bolts (for EXCs)
As mentioned already, we’re fitting these guards to a test bike KTM 350 EXC-F. Anyone who has fitted non-standard handguards to a KTM EXC before will know you cannot use the same bolts to refit the levers without the standard handguards. They are longer and tighten into a captive nut housed in the underside of the standard guard.
You will need new bolts, sometimes called lever pins, which are readily available because KTM use them on their SX (motocross) models, which have the same lever control set-up but do not come with handguards. So get in touch with you favoured stockist for some new bolts, making sure you order for the correct ones for the model year of your bike (they vary a little).
Also consider…
With the standard handguards removed the lever pivot point becomes more exposed so you might also want to consider fitting rubber protector sleeves over the top to keep the dirt out – although not everyone agrees with this philosophy, some say it keeps the dirt in as well.

With the replacement bolts in place and the levers tight, the next step is to fit the new EE guard hangers. On the brake lever side you’ll need to loosen the throttle housing slightly and turn it out of the way to access the brake master cylinder mounting bolts. On some Six Days models you also have to move the mapping switch unit.
On this design of Brembo lever mount the clamp bolts sit on top so this process couldn’t simpler using an 8mm socket or t-bar. The EE mounting arm simply replaces the top c-section of the clamp using the same bolts to tighten it up again. Tighten the clamps to your preference – ours is to be able to move but only just (so they can turn if you crash).
Fitting the deflectors
You’re almost there, you just need the deflectors on the front which come in a range of colours to suit bike brands, plus black and white options. The deflectors are sold separately but also fit other Enduro Engineering handguard types.
The handguard mounting kit comes with four screws, two for each side, which you use to attach the deflectors to the front. There’s also a mounting plate which needs to be in place before you marry-up the screws through and into the arm behind the deflector.
Don’t overtighten the screws, you’re tightening into composite plastic – so get them tight but not too tight.
Job done
That is it, these handguards really couldn’t be more simple to install. The composite arm, where the deflector mounts, has a swivel point so it can be adjusted to your preference and will also move to avoid breaking if you tip over.
Cost: $49.99/£40/€45 (please check your currency using the stockist finder, link below)
Plastic roost deflectors, purchased separately ($24.95 which also fit the EE wrap-around guards) come in a range of colours.
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